日本化粧品 - TAMARIS Phytolique頭髮和皮膚保濕乳液 日本製造 Japanese Cosmetics - TAMARIS Phytolique Hair and Skin Moisturizing Lotion Made in Japan (JP-M-COS-001)




這不僅僅是油或水。 可搖勻的頭髮和皮膚保濕乳液。 憑藉天然植物油和精華成分的力量,為您的頭髮和皮膚帶來獨特的保濕體驗。 除常規油脂成分外,還含有水溶性保濕修復成分(精華液成分)。 也可用於皮膚(身體)的保濕乳液,可同時護理頭髮的內部和表面。 精油處理包裹著吸收到頭髮內部的精華液成分的“雙重保濕效果”,抑制水分從內部蒸發,長時間保持水分。 氣味從柑橘味變為花香,再到琥珀味。 (兩種類型共有) It's not just oil or water. Shake-able hair and skin moisturizing lotion. Give your hair and skin a unique moisturizing experience with the power of natural botanical oils and essences. In addition to conventional oil ingredients, it also contains water-soluble moisturizing and repairing ingredients (essence ingredients). A moisturizing lotion that can also be used on the skin (body), caring for both the inside and the surface of the hair. The "double moisturizing effect" of the essential oil treatment that wraps the essence ingredients absorbed into the hair prevents moisture from evaporating from the inside and maintains moisture for a long time. The scent changes from citrus to floral to amber. (Common to both types)


容量 : 97 mL

◇Fitrik (藍色):強調流暢感 - 天然植物油和精華液從內部滋潤您的頭髮,使其光滑順滑。
原料 : 摩洛哥堅果油/澳洲堅果油/槲皮素/超級透明酸&高滲透玻尿酸等。

◇Phytolic Moist (粉紅色):強調濕潤感 - 維生素油和維生素水從內部滋潤您的頭髮,使其易於梳理。
原料 : 摩洛哥堅果油/伏牛花油/香膏果油/維生素B12/維生素B6等。

1. 充分搖勻,直到各層均勻分佈。(Phytolique 是透明的,Phytolique Moist 使用時是橘色的。)
2. 取適量塗抹於髮尾及受損部位,讓其吸收。
3. 留在手上的護理液可用作身體乳液(保濕乳液),塗抹在手、手臂和手肘等容易乾燥的皮膚部位。

** 注意:請在下單前,請先查詢貨品有沒有存貨


Size : 97 mL

≪Please select the type≫
◇Fitrik (Blue): Emphasizes smoothness - Natural botanical oils and serums moisturize your hair from within, leaving it smooth and smooth.
Raw material : Argan oil/macadamia oil/quercetin/super hyaluronic acid & high-penetration hyaluronic acid, etc.

◇Phytolic Moist (Pink): Emphasizes the feeling of moisture - Vitamin oil and vitamin water moisturize your hair from within, making it easy to comb.
Raw material : Argan oil/barberry oil/balm oil/vitamin B12/vitamin B6, etc.

[How to use]
1. Shake well until the layers are evenly distributed. (Phytolique is transparent, Phytolique Moist is orange when used.)
2. Apply an appropriate amount to the ends of hair and damaged areas and let it be absorbed.
3. The care solution left on your hands can be used as body lotion (moisturizing lotion) and applied to areas prone to dryness such as hands, arms and elbows.

** Note: Please check whether the product is in stock before placing an order.
